home > acrylics and vinylpaintings, mixed techniques on polymer synthetic grounds

water of the oceans is more and more polluted with synthetic particles which displace plankton, we ourselves pour synthetics into our  bodies when using softening agents, plastic currently changes the world just as much as we do change ourselves from deepdown inside – and 2010 the raw material for it spills unrefined into the Gulf of Mexico: in view of such facts the artist’s palette simply changes accordingly, be it via what is offered,  be  it in its use.

RoundUp on Antifourni

this series of 14 was painted in summer 2010 on lids of emptied oil-barrels selected from the garbage of the electric power-plant of the Agaean island Ikaria.  each measures approximately 60 cm  in diameter. Some of the available  marks of rusty, lackered elements and descriptions were partly kept as decorative elements, rust was incorporated as effloresce painting technique. As the interference colours -depending on the intensity and cone of light- lead accordingly to a varying colour appearance as per altered viewing angle, such colour effects in the following single images must be seen as ONE possible color sequence.

facepatches & global waves

2010: while on the one hand presently so-called facepatches, a formal expansion of pure polyethylenepatches, are created (view navigation link patch) with canvases embedded in the synthetic form by means of acrylic and interference-acrylic colours, on the other hand an entire cycle entitled „global waves“ develops: three images each follow here:

Haydn & maskarone

the mask as replacement for the face, as camouflage, the hidden face as caricature of mimics, the features and physiognomy,- all this i found as reality facts in the inner courtyard of the Esterhazy castle in Eisenstadt in the so-called maskarone, added to architectoral barock elements in grotesque citation. While at work for my exhibition HAYDN RELOADED at the castle Esterhazy at Fertöd, Hungary, this series of portraits offered me the basis for my research about Haydn’s contemporaries whom I also intended to export to Fertöd, the three aH!-dyn-portraits of the musician and composer were given inspiration by Haydn’s contemporary portraitists, the artists Thomas Hardy and Joseph Thaler.